Cross Telemarketing

Me: Hello?

Telemarketer: May I talk to Paul Day?

Me: Yes.

(Slight pause)

Telemarketer: Is Mr. Day there?

Me: Yes.

Telemarketer: Is this Mr. Day?

Me: Yes.

Telemarketer: (Getting back on script) Mr. Day, I'm calling on behalf of Sprint for American Airlines and..

Me: Excuse me?

Telemarketer: I'm calling for Sprint on behalf of American Airlines and...

Me: Sprint and American Airlines?

Telemarketer: Yyyes.

Me: That's weird. I'm sorry, go on.

Telemarketer: We'd like to extend to you an offer on cellular service.

Me: Who would?

Telemarketer: Sir?

Me: Who wants to extend this, Sprint or American Airlines?

Telemarketer: I'm sorry?

Me: Well, you said you were calling for Sprint and American Airlines. I'm confused as to whom the offer is coming from.

Telemarketer: (Slightly annoyed) I'm calling for Sprint.

Me: Ok.

Telemarketer: We'd like to offer you a better deal on cellular service.

Me: Sprint would.

Telemarketer: Yes, sir.

Me: But you're not allowed to use a cell phone on a plane. They make you turn them off.

Telemarketer: Sir?

Me: Before you get on a plane they tell you to turn your cell phones off, so what's the point?

Telemarketer: Well, you don't have to use it on the plane, sir.

Me: But it's American Airlines, right?

Telemarketer: Yes, don't have to use it only on the plane. You can use the cell phone elsewhere when you're not on the plane.

Me: Oh. (Pause) But if I'm on the plane the person already knows I'm coming. So why do I need to call them?

Telemarketer: What?

Me: I'm on the plane. He already knows I'm coming to see him. Why do I need to phone him if he knows I'm coming?

Telemarketer: You could call other people, sir.

Me: Huh?

Telemarketer: You could call other people. You don't have to just call one person.

Me: I don't know.

Telemarketer: There must be other people that you need to talk to.

Me: No. Just one.

Telemarketer: Who's that, sir?

Me: My parole officer.

Telemarketer: Thank you for your time, sir.

All material on this web page is copyrighted by Paul Day and Hbee Inc.1999-2002. Any attempt to plagurize, excerpt, slice, dice, chop, julliene, fricassee, weld, staple, screw, nail, make pictoral representations from chopped liver, ice or any other foodstuff or material either living or dead, mime, dance, sketch or peform in front of pets that are not your own is expressly prohibited.